It seems that war by Apple and Samsung patent maintained for years comes to an end. And it seems that benefits everyone. A Cupertino, first, because his main rival is going to pay $ 548 million. And also because the Korean company will not pay 1,000 million dollars in 2012, a US federal jury ruled (although in March 2013 the court reduced the fine to 598 million).
According to the leaked document, Samsung has until December 14 to make the payment. The agreement stipulates that, then Apple will both accept and end by shelve the matter.
The confrontation between the two giants began in 2011, when Apple accused of plagiarism Samsung iPhone design to the Galaxy. Therefore, he decided to take legal action. In 2012, a federal jury found that several devices Samsung had violated Apple's patents.
Demands cross and trials worldwide between the two technology titans have been constant, with victories for Apple in most cases. Still, in 2014 they reached an agreement: ending the legal disputes outside the United States, because the demands had also been produced in South Korea, Japan, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, UK, France and Australia.
The US District Court of Northern California has now published the agreement that both companies have reached. However, as stated in the document, Samsung has an ace up its sleeve: if the situation changes, the company is entitled to Apple reimburse the agreed amount. And the South Korean company will claim the Supreme Court of the United States, so the trial could be repeated if the appeal is successful.