Sunday, December 6, 2015
Come the robots working and caring for us
They look like toys. They are something else. The appearance deceives, already known. Robots draw much attention. Being drawn to them, but did not want, a certain emotion played by melodious smiles. The machines have become even smarter and threaten to put a dent in industrial processes and households.
One of its most interesting and attractive possibilities has always been the ability to emulate human actions themselves. Interactive household robots their way into many forms.
Road to home
"One of the great challenges of robotics, specifically in the field of consumer robotics is to increase the credibility of the effectiveness of robots and visibility of the category of cleaners in particular. Increasingly, consumers are realizing that they can trust in domestic robots that deliver what they promise, "said Colin Angle, CEO and founder of iRobot, he told ABC.
One of the greatest contributions of the American company has been the popularization of a cleaning apparatus, which continues to be a "thinking" machine, which is seen as a very practical assistant. The latest version. Roomba 980, can be controlled remotely once paired with a matrix device, the "smartphone", thanks to its wireless connectivity. It has opened a window of opportunity to activate your task of collecting and cleaning the floor in specific time, anticipating the arrival of the owner. With the trend dubbed "Internet of Things" the idea of a studded "thinking" future objects is emphasized.
More interactive androids
Fun, smiling and talkative, are another concept that is reflected in the proposals of humanoid robots. The Peeper iconic, coming to Spain soon, or RoBoHon, created by Sharp just introduced at the fair in Tokyo IREX 2015, are examples of the possibilities offered by connecting through a smartphone. Whenever he is improving the ability to remember the faces of people registered with its front cameras. And call them by name. The challenge, in any case, is to develop more extensive capabilities in the future. And there have been important steps. In many fairs typical football matches you attend between small robots. But to get there, reach a certain level of intelligence, is an important step in science.
The debate on full autonomy is one of the most controversial points, as it usually falls in the prejudices of the apocalyptic stories of science fiction machines rebelling against humans. Experts believe are the benefits. "I think it's more important to focus on practical applications of robotics and how they can help people. I think one day be possible to coordinate domestic robots with other household devices and technologies, with autonomy to know when and where they need to clean up, "adds Angle.
"The robots are integrated with other technologies taking advantage of the internet of things. It is an exciting time for the robotics industry because we have the experience and lessons learned in recent years, while much remains to be achieved ", he adds. However, we are in a time of uncertainty. "Next year will hit the market many household robots at low cost and see, on the one hand, the reaction of the people, and secondly, the real needs. Robots without real applications are useless, "explains this newspaper Victor Martin, CEO of Seville Macco Robotics firm.
Can we talk about the landing of such products in the home? "Without doubt," he predicts the expert, who insists on the idea that "help people to make life easier." For now, evolution is capitalized, but the first designs for home use do not cease to be "personal assistants". In a -continued- future will be the hub in the housing for connecting people "with the rest of the world", a close look at what science fiction has been commissioned to ignore examples like Jarvis (Iron Man).
As human
Since he began to address issues on Android, the discussion focused on the design thereof. Emulate human qualities, with eyes, mouth and legs, he has been one of the most controversial points. Is society ready? "It is a hopeful time. It is not a drastic change, because it is brewing for many years, since the robots, for example, are present in society in some way, such as pool cleaners. Certification There is a problem that has to go hand in hand "relates Juan Carlos Llorente, commercial director of GMV, a Spanish company specializing in space and industrial robotics.
Improve security around the robotization of society is another challenge. In part, there are tasks that to avoid physical problems, the machines will be able to assist in delicate work. "If we give more security may have situations that people can not do, but put a number of devices as a standalone machine can be an easier thing," he stresses.
In the industryForecasts indicate that the industrial robotics business to grow to 60,000 million in 2020, according to GMV. At the industry level, the future looks very optimistic for the optimization of resources in production processes. The presence of more than 250,000 robotic systems in the world is estimated. The industry expects an exponential increase in few years.
"The traditional robotics, born in the automotive field, it was robots that for size and speed had to be confined in cages security" describes Marc Segura, director of the Unit of Spain ABB Robotics, developer YuMi, the first collaborative robot capable of "siding with an operator 'on the same level of work. "That we see it as a new era for the application of robotics." One challenge is to conquer the environment for SMEs "are little robotic" as a result of the "perception of complexity and lack of investment" in recent years. Robotics creates jobs. "