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» The Samsung Galaxy S7 again include microSD port
Samsung Galaxy S7, which is expected on the market in early 2016, may
be one of the most important releases of the company phones. Smartphone
is likely to have a new technology in -pensada camera to make it more
effective in all kinds of conditions-which aired in Korea last week.
">What other features include?
Samsung have decided to reinstate microSD port on the S7, which did their 'flagships' this year. The popular Italian site HDblog was first reported this rumor, it would have been 'leaked' by sources close to the project. If true, users can easily add new Galaxy tens of gigabytes of storage to your phone.
reported by Tech Radar, the only complaint we had users acclaimed
Galaxy Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge was the lack of microSD, so repeat what
they did with the Galaxy S5 (featuring external support up to 128 GB)
can be a good idea. I actually adding it on the side would be even smarter in terms of design.
We will have to wait for Samsung provide further details on the S7 to corroborate gossip. There is also talk of the possibility that the new 'flagship' could
include curved edges on the top and bottom and not only on the sides,
which would increase the chances of interaction they offer.
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